Six Tips for Local Search Engine Optimization

There are some types of businesses that provide services in certain geographical areas. Such businesses usually have a physical location and the demand for their service is almost limited to the area they are working in. For this type of business, being seen on local searches is the most important goal. Here is where local SEO steps in. Local SEO is a SEO strategy that focuses on tactics and techniques for businesses to be seen more in local searches on Google. Local SEO is considered as a branch of SEO in which some specific standards along with other general best practices must be applied. Local restaurants, convenience stores, massage centers, dentists and medical doctors, barber shops and many other businesses are considered as local businesses for which a local SEO plan must be put together.

There are many local businesses in Australia right now that are trying hard to compete against other competitors. Considering the rising rate of demand for local services in the Australia market, and on the other hand, the increasing trend in the number of local businesses, local SEO becomes the key player for such businesses in order to take a bigger piece of such a sweet cake.

There are many tips and techniques to improve local SEO. We, through this article, will go through the 6 most important tips for a professional local SEO plan.

  • Create a Google My Business account

In order to optimize your listing on Google, which is basically the most efficient way to rank high on Google map and become more visible in local searches on Google search results, you must firstly create an account on Google My Business and link your profile to your GMB account. Once your account is verified, your business will be listed on local search results as well as on google map. Like mentioned before, Google My Business is the most effective tool when it comes to local SEO.


  • Make your website mobile-friendly

Overwhelming majority of searches for local service are done through mobile phones. People who are after a particular service in their neighborhood, usually don’t want to open their laptops and wait until their operating system comes up. The preference here is to get their mobile phones and quickly search for the service they are in need of. Hence, mobile responsiveness is another important building block of a proper local SEO plan.

  • Quality Backlinks

Getting links from reputable and high-quality websites is another important tip to boost your local SEO. The more credible the website you get backlinks from is, the more traffic you will receive from local customers. Creating high quality content can encourage other websites to link to your website. Furthermore, to blog as a guest on a well-known website is another way to boost your local SEO. Another way, out of many others, is to cooperate with social media influencers to link back to your website in their contents.

  • Positive review and testimonials

Positive feedback from happy customers is another important game changing factor, when it comes to local SEO. You must try hard to get as much positive feedback as possible from your customers. In addition to collecting positive reviews on your GMB account, it’s beneficial to get reviews on your social media accounts. It’s highly recommended to use popular social media such as Facebook and Instagram.

Having plenty of testimonials and reviews, positive ones in particular, would create credibility and trustworthiness for your business, so more traffic from local searches will be directed to your website.

  • Local Content creation

Quality content is an important element for businesses of any type. However, the content for local businesses must be in line with the area and community’s atmosphere that your business is operating in.  As the network of customers are limited to a geographical location, you must put yourself in the visitor’s shoes and try to understand what they are after and how they look for their needs on the internet and create your contents accordingly. Read more about “Content Marketing“.


  • Get ready for voice search

The usage of voice search is increasing these days. People are using voice searches more than before and specifically when it comes to search for local businesses such as food, barbershop, convenience stores, etc. Therefore, your website must be optimized for voice search in order to appropriately respond to such change that is happening in users’ behavior.


Local SEO is important more than before


Local SEO has always been important for businesses that provide services through their physical location. Considering the rapid growth in the number of market participants, the competition to rank higher in local searches on Google gets tighter. That’s why local SEO is now more important than before. More importantly, you must keep in mind that your local SEO plan must be put together and accomplished by a professional SEO consultant due to several reasons such as knowledge, experiences and quality customer service they provide in case an issue happens.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to avoid working with freelancers and unregistered companies that come to you with unrealistic offers. Hence, in order to take care of your business health and stay on the right track, do your homework by looking for a reputable and registered digital marketing service provider.

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