The one and only goal that online businesses all around the world are pursuing, is to maximize their conversion rate. Business owners do whatever it takes to convert more. Optimizing websites to perform better on search engines, improving user experiences and user interface, maximizing website loading speed and a lot more are the things that are being done on a daily basis to achieve the goal of maximizing the conversion rate.

A good landing page plays a key role on  maximizing conversion rate

Out of many gold standards and best practices to drive  more traffic towards a website, designing an effective landing page stands as tall as other techniques.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a page that is designed for a specific purpose only, which in most cases is a marketing or advertising campaign. A landing page is designed to push visitors to take a specific action. For instance, within the website of a web design company in Australia, you will be encouraged to explore more to get information about the company and the range of services they are providing. While within a landing page that is designed for the same company, you are requested to take a specific action only by clicking on a CTA.

As another example, web design for construction companies is about explaining all projects they have done so far, the certificates they have in hand, their team and a lot more. However, if the same company wants to promote a special offer on a new project to sell off-plan apartments, a specific landing page would convert far better than their website by focusing on the offer only. 

As such, a landing page is a web page that is designed for making users enthusiastic to take a specific action and convert. That is why a professionally designed landing page is capable of increasing your website conversion rate significantly.

Tips for designing an effective landing page to convert more

The better and more encouraging a landing page is designed, the more conversion will be on the horizon for a website. Let’s dive deeper and see what it takes for designing a landing page that converts. 

  • Create a headline, focused on the benefits of the offerEmphasise on the value of the offer on the landing page would attract users' attention to take action

Put maximum emphasis on the value of the offer you are making. Users who visit the landing page would never spend much time going through the whole page. Instead, they skim through the headline, where their attention must be drawn. To do so, create a brief headline that is mainly focused on the benefits.  

  • Never forget the visualization

At least one relevant image must be  in place for the landing page to look attractive. What we mean here by relevance, is to illustrate the feeling that users would have, if they choose to proceed and take action. As such, choose an image that shows how  visitors would feel, if they proceed. 

  • A brief textual content is essential

A very brief and at the same time informative content is required on your landing page. Even if the headline and the image give users some information about the offer, a textual content which is short and comprehensive will be helpful to convince visitors to take action. 

  • The CTA must be located above the fold

Making users scroll up and down to find the CTA button is the last thing you want, isn’t it? Make sure that the CTA button is located above the fold in different colours and font, so users are able to find it right away.

  • Ask as less as possible

Ask as little information as possible in your lead from. Only ask for the information that is essential for you to fulfil your customers’ order. Remember, the more info is requested to be filled in, the more chance for customers to bounce off. 

  • Get rid of all distractions

Your only focus, when designing a landing page, must be on the offer and the CTA. Never put any link to other webpages of your website or any other element that might distract users’ attention from taking action.

  • Make it responsive and SEO optimized

Lastly, make your landing page optimized for search engines to get more organic traffic. On top of that, like all your webpages, your landing page must be designed mobile responsive to perfectly serve all traffic from all devices. This is a must for all types of websites, regardless of being a simple restaurant website development project or a complicated mega ecommerce website.


A well-designed landing page can change the game for you by directing quality traffic and maximizing a website conversion rate. There are many factors that are crucial to consider, for the sake of designing an effective landing page, which we have gone through the most important ones already. 

Websima,  with more than a decade of experience in the international market, is always happy to help. If you are in need of any type of digital services such as SEO, web design or landing page design, contact us with confidence and book for your consultation meeting with our talented team. You will have the opportunity to discuss your needs further and we will get back to you with a solution that suits.  


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