Regardless of the type, the main goal of all online businesses is to improve the conversion rate and sell more as much as possible. Online businesses spend a fortune to improve their rank on major search engines like Google by focusing on SEO best practices and customer preferences for the sake of better conversion rate.

Conversion rate is on the most crucial measuring factor for analysing an online business performance

As such, one of the most important metrics, when it comes to measuring a business success is the conversion rate. Conversion rate refers to the number of people who take action divided by the total number of people who enter into your website. To increase the conversion rate, there are multiple techniques, gold standards and guidelines. Here in this article, we would like to introduce the most effective tips to improve your website conversion rate. 

10 tips for the conversion rate to thrive

To improve the conversion rate, you must comply with gold standards and guidelines that are now being widely used by market participants. On the other hand, there are some don’ts that you must avoid, when it comes to improving the conversion rate. For instance, it is now widely accepted that using CAPTCHA code on your website will have an adverse consequence on the conversion rate, so it must be avoided if possible. For further information on what is CAPTCHA code, you may follow the link.

Now let’s dive deep and go through the best tips for boosting the conversion rate.

1- Build trust

The most important factor for users to take action inside your website and convert, is how trustworthy your website is. One of the best methods to create trustworthiness is social proof. New users would highly consider the feedback of other users who have already interacted with your website. That’s how you can leverage your social proof by asking your loyal customers to leave testimonials to show their feelings about your service and products.

2- Focus on users’ behaviour

By carefully analysing your visitors’ behaviour, you will be able to identify the conversion points. You must do your best to understand where the users are landing on your website, which pages they view the most, where they leave to and generally how they interact with your website. By precisely understanding users’ behaviour and how they interact with your website, you will be capable of figuring out the reason why they leave your website with no action. It goes without saying that modifying the shortages that are causing users to leave, would significantly improve your conversion rate.

3- Make your conversion funnel as simple as possible

Conversion funnel refers to a path created for prospects to flow within, in order to convert from a visitor to a loyal customer. The basic conversion funnel is shaped by four major factors; awareness, interest, desire and action. The funnel must be created in a way to make customers aware of the product or service, raise their interest, ignite their desire and gently make them take action. To do so, the process must be designed as simple and straightforward as possible. You must make a clutter-free process by removing every single unnecessary step across the conversion funnel. Needless to say, a smooth conversion funnel would considerably enhance the conversion rate.

4- Conduct A/B testing

To understand which section of your website is perfectly working and which part is not, you can conduct an A/B testing. Analyse which colours, headlines, and CTAs are more attractive to your users. Once understanding the test outcomes, you may make changes accordingly.

5- Visualize your content

Internet users are more interested in visuals rather than textual. You must make sure to include high quality images along with short and informative textual content about your products, in order to motivate users to take action and convert.

6- Utilize relevant internal and credible external backlinks

Internal and external link building creates credit and improves session duration

Internal and external link building would not only enhance the session duration, but also improve your website credibility and trustworthiness. Needless to say, the more users trust your website and the better information they find within your website, the higher conversion rate will be expected for your online business. Pay attention to choose the right backlinks from reputable websites with high domain authority. You must be very careful to not step into the trap of advertisements on the internet who are offering cheap backlinks in Australia, as there is no value for your business by getting backlinks from such websites. 

7- Improve CTA’s

CTA or Call-To-Action buttons play a key role in your efforts to improve your conversion rate. The CTAs’ location, the number of CTAs and the content must be analysed with care from time to time, for the sake of improving their quality. For your better understanding, there are situations where only one CTA is not enough, so a number of CTAs must be in place. Conversely, in some cases too many CTAs don’t work for your audiences. The content of the CTAs is also very important. It must be strong, brief, informative and attractive for most users.

8- Make your pages distraction-free

Any elements that distract users from taking action is prohibited, when it comes to improving conversion rate. Generally speaking, a cluttered webpage is not likely to make users take action. You must eliminate any unneeded links, pop-ups, photos, etc. that would potentially discourage users to take preferred action. Keep your webpages neat, perfectly readable and clutter-free.

9- Design an easy process for payment

The checkout and payment process is where the final stage of conversion takes place. Simultaneously, the payment point is where most users leave the website, mostly due to the difficultness associated with the process. Forcing customers to create an account before making payment, asking for unnecessary information, including too many steps for payment and no multiple payment options would have negative impacts on the conversion rate.

10- Improve your website for mobile users

The number of users who use their smartphones to surf the internet are on a constant rise. As such, your website must be designed to be mobile responsive. The mobile version of your website must be perfectly displayed on any mobile screen. Besides, all necessary information, links and CTAs should be very well-presented on mobile screens for the sake of converting mobile users to loyal customers.


Improving the conversion rate is the main goal of all digital marketing methods that are all sitting under search engines optimization or SEO. As such, following the tips mentioned in this article as well as improving your website SEO to achieve better rank on major search engines, will result in a good conversion rate for your website. Ranking high on search engines must be constant, so you will need to check and measure your website performance on SERPs within a reasonable timeframe. There are some instances, when your good rank on Google changes significantly due to a phenomenon called Google dance. If you don’t know what is Google dance,  just rest assured that it is a temporary thing and your rank will be back to where it was within a couple of days or so. 

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