Major search engines have been evolving over years. Now they are concentrating on users’ satisfaction more than ever before. In other words, The main goal of all search engines, in particular Google, is to create the best experience for their users, when they are looking for something online. Likewise, the main emphasis when it comes to web design, is to focus on users and how they feel when visiting a website. Basically, the user experience or UX.

Improving UX, plays a critical role in enhancing a website’s performance on search engines, as well as the conversion rate.

If you are looking for website design services in Australia, read this article with care, as you will become familiar with the basics of enhancing the UX of a website.

The better UX deign, the more chance for better performance on search engines and higher conversion rate

UX design principles for a thriving website

The website development cost in Australia , if it comes from a reputable agency, is high. Therefore, you must be on top of the basics that are needed for your website, before signing a contract with a web design company. One of the most important factors for any type of website is a professional UX design. Here are the main UX design factors to be considered, to enhance  your website performance.

  • Focus on users

User-focused approach is the main goal of the UX concept. In other words, all gold standards and principles aim to make users feel that they are at the top priority. It refers to the form and functionality of the website as well as creating the most convenient experience for visitors to interact with a website. To do so, designers must put their feet in users’ shoes and think how users interact with the website, what are their concerns, how they look for their needs and how they prefer to take action.

  • Hierarchy

A hierarchical design is the second element that must be considered at the early stages of a website design. You must think about all the content, categories and information that your website will offer. Then, you must be mapping the whole information into different categories and design your web pages based on this tree structure. By doing so, users will be able to easily look for what they want by looking at the categories and following the structure you have already designed. 

  • ConsistencyConsistency is one of the most important elements in UX design

You must apply a consistent design across the entire webpages of your website. The functionality also must be the same within all your webpages. For your further understanding, all CTAs, product categories, exit and back buttons, etc. must be designed consistently and similar across all webpages, so users will feel comfortable when exploring within your webpages.

  • Accessibility

The wider range of audiences your website is accessible for, the more conversion is likely to happen for your website. It is highly recommended to make your website interactable for elderly people, people with disabilities, younger children ( if allowed at all) and users with less IT knowledge. The importance of making websites accessible for people with disabilities has made some governments across the world to mandate it by law.

  • Provide an adequate level of control for users

Users must be able to have a normal level of control, when interacting with a website. For instance, if a user has proceeded to the checkout section with a shopping basket full of different products, he must be able to change his mind at any stage with no punishment in place. Hence, you must make sure that there are all required features like undo, redo, cancel, save the changes a user has made and all required features that make users feel that they are not forced to proceed at any stage. 

  • Context 

The design must be in line with the context of the product or service on offer throughout the website. The designer must consider the nature of the industry and the relevant audiences including the location the product is most likely used, how users think when using the product and all other contextual information. As an example, if you are developing an application to grab a taxi, you must consider the fact that it is mostly used in a noisy environment like streets or shopping malls, so the design must be relying on visual elements mostly.

  • Usability

The design process won’t stop where you have published your website. It is an iterative process and must be checked with care to see how easy users are interacting with your website. As such, a usability testing system must be in place, so you will be able to test how usable your website is for users and evolve your website as going forward. Therefore, the design would never stop, in terms of user experience. 


UX design plays a crucial role on a website to be lucrative. It is almost the most important element of your website design. Regardless of how you develop your website, whether using WordPress CMS , Bootstrap website development services, or coding your website from scratch, make sure to pay highest attention on being compiled with the UX design principles.   

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