The one and only goal of all marketing strategies has always been focusing on improving how users feel about a product, service or an entity. This is what is called UX or user experience, when it comes to digital marketing. The term mainly refers to how users feel, when visiting and taking action on an online platform. Market participants, including business owners and digital marketing professionals all around the world are trying  hard to evolve, for the sake of improving how their visitors and customers feel when visiting their website. Here is where UX strategy came into existence, in order to create an important discipline to be considered with care, when it comes to designing a website for an online business. Nowadays, UX strategy has become an important part of a web design package that comes from a professional web design company in Australia, and all other areas across the globe.

User experience is the feeling and judgment users have, when visiting a website

What is UX strategy?

To start a business, you must have a business strategy and business plan beforehand. The objectives and goals of the business must be outlined in the business strategy. User experience strategy is a detailed and long term plan that is created to align the user experience with the business objectives and goals which are already mapped out in the business strategy. In other words, a UX plan is a roadmap to keep how users feel about the brand in line with the business goals. As an example, think of a web design company who has set its objective to provide detailed and precise information for users who are looking for the average cost of developing a website in Australia. In that case, a specific page must be designed and be updated regularly with detailed information about their website design price in Australia, for the sake of keeping user experience, in line with the business strategy.

Why is the User Experience Strategy important?

  • UX strategy gives you a clear roadmap

Once you have a UX strategy in hand, you are quite clear about the direction you must be moving towards. Think of yourself driving your car and intending to go from point A to point B for the first time. What will you end up with, if you don’t have a clear road map in hand? You will most probably not get to the destination or if you get there at last, you have spent much more time and energy than you would have spent, if you had a clear roadmap in hand!

  • UX strategy helps all team members to have an enlightened mind about the goals of user experience.

A clear UX strategy and detailed plan keep all team members including designers and business owners to be in the same picture. It helps designers to focus on what is important for the business and not wasting time and budget on what doesn’t matter much. It also helps business owners and investors to keep an eye on how the design is moving towards the defined goals.

  • UX strategy helps to measure the impact of UX design on the business

User experience strategy provides the stakeholders with measurable and pre-defined goals in terms of user experience. The business owners will be able to see how the UX strategy impacts the design and the business. Think of an entrepreneur who is looking for ecommerce web development in Australia. With no UX strategy in place, how would that be possible to ensure the design is in line with how the user must be feeling when visiting the ecommerce platform, as there are no measuring factors and baselines in place!

How to create a UX strategy?

  • The first step to create UX strategy is to conduct research to learn fromThe first step for creating a UX strategy is conducting research

As a UX designer, you must have a big picture of where you are. If the product already exists, you must conduct user-focused research and see how they feel about interacting with the product. If it’s a brand new product, you must identify the targeted audiences, their needs and problems and how they behave to resolve their problems and fulfil their needs. Besides, interviewing with stakeholders is crucial to have a clear understanding of what their business challenges and their competitive advantages are and how they define their business goals.

  • Defining the UX Vision is the next step of creating a UX strategy

Once the big picture is clearly defined, it’s time to document where you are and where you are planning to get by your UX strategy. The UX vision is created to have a high level plan in place, in order to get all stakeholders on the same picture of where to start and where to move towards. A UX vision for the provider of SEO services in Australia can be evolving the SEO strategy from time to time, in order to push their clients’ online business up to the first page of Google, within a reasonable time frame.

  • Define the objectives and areas of importance 

Now that the UX vision is well defined, you must break the vision into smaller and actionable tasks. By defining the focus areas, you will have a clear action plan to get where your UX vision is planned to go, by getting the sub-tasks done. You must pay high attention to the fact that even though the UX strategy might be similar for different business types and models, the sub tasks are different and must be specified clearly. For instance, the areas of importance for a corporate web design project to achieve the UX goals are totally different from the focus areas for an online store.

  • Get the UX roadmap ready, to follow step by step

The UX roadmap acts as a low level schedule by defining the required steps and activities and prioritize them, in order to get you where your must be going based on your UX strategy. It maps out the needed steps to be taken and the sequential order of the journey. With a precise roadmap in place, all the requirements are clearly defined so the risk of taking unneeded actions will be minimized.

  • Set up a measuring plan to monitor your progress 

Every plan when executed, must be measured in a reasonable time frame, so does the UX strategy and its relevant plan. As such, you must define a measuring plan by using relevant key performance indicators.


Having a UX strategy is a must for all types of online businesses to stand out of the crowd in such a competitive market. A proper user experience strategy must be defined before the design phase is started, in order to design accordingly. A professional UX strategy needs to be created by a well-experienced UX designer and requires a lot of research and effort. 

Websima, as the leading digital service provider across Australia and international market is more than happy to help, if you are in need. Contact us with confidence and book for a free consultation meeting with our experienced designer team to discuss your needs further. Our team is committed to get back to you with a solution that suits your needs best.

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